Service Opportunities

UK Region Fellowship Development - Full list of UKNA FD Vacancies

Full list of UKNA FD Vacancies
UKNA Fellowship Development Committee
Service Opportunities

Vice Chair – 4 years clean time required

Treasurer - 4 years clean time required

Vice Treasurer - 4 years clean time required

Secretary - 2 years clean time required

Vice Secretary - 2 years clean time required

Tech - 2 years clean time required

Area/ District Reps - 2 years clean time required

For more information about these service positions please see our FD Guidelines here To learn more about what UKNA-FD does please attend the next Fellowship Development committee held on the 1st Wednesday of the Month 7pm as shown on our webpage or email us at [email protected]

UK Region Fellowship Development - Vice Chair

Vice Chair
Cleantime Requirement 
4 years
3.6.1 Roles and Responsibilities of Chair and Vice Chair

● The Chair and Vice Chair communicate primarily through emails and WhatsApp.
● Compile the agenda for and facilitate the FDC monthly committee meetings
● Compile the bi-monthly FD Reports for the Region
● Attend the RSC as required
● Attend the RSC sub-committee chairs meeting as required.
● They monitor and support the District Reps' work and do not interrupt unless they see a problem or a misguided road map.
● In the absence of the Chair the Vice Chair takes on the chair's Roles and Responsibilities
● The Chair and or the Vice Chair (in the absence of a Vice Treasurer) to become joint signatories on the FDC bank account and must be willing to agree to and sign the standard UKNA Region Misappropriation of Funds document as it pertains to Region Sub Committees

UK Region Fellowship Development - Vice Treasurer

Vice Treasurer
Cleantime Requirement 
4 years
This position carries a two year commitment.

Basic questions for each candidate:

1, Do you meet the requirements, and are able to fulfil the duties of the role?
2, Have you fulfilled and completed all your previous service commitments?
3. Do you have a working knowledge of the 12 Traditions, 12 Concepts and the PR Handbook?
4, Have you read, understood, and are willing to sign the Region’s Misappropriation Policy document? (Regards to the Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Vice Treasurer)
5, Do you have the willingness to give the time and resources necessary for the commitment?